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Taklif dolzarb bo'lmasligi mumkun, ohirgi yangilanish 13.03.2024 da bo'lgan
Artikul: P-0954718
  • Tavsif


Glucomap is a drug used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent), the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by laboratory and clinical studies.


GLUCOMAP Maharishi Ayurveda is an effective drug on a purely herbal basis, a centuries-proven remedy for lowering blood sugar levels in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2 diabetes).


Can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of other antidiabetic agents in complex or treatment-resistant cases of diabetes. There is no incompatibility with other drugs.

Glucomap stimulates pancreatic beta cells (Aegle marmelos), increases peripheral absorption and utilization of glucose (Enicostemma littorale) and corrects glucose metabolism by stopping glycogenolysis (Eugenia jambolana).


The effect of using Glucomap is similar to the effects of sulfonuler and biguanide. Antihyperglycemic agent.


It protects the tissues of the cardiovascular and nervous system from degenerative changes, lowers cholesterol levels, and also serves as a hepatoprotector and improves liver function.


Tests have shown that Glucomap also has a choleretic effect, and over time reduces cravings for sweets.

Glucomap contains Himalayan mumiyo, an immunoregulator that prevents metabolic disorders and resists the occurrence of infections.



— Enicostemma littorale 33.33 mg.

— Phyllanthus niruri 33.33 mg.

— Eugenia Jambolana (leaf) 33.33 mg.

— Eugenia Jambolana (seed) 133.33 mg.

— Azadirachra indica 33.33 mg.

— Terminalia arjuna 33.33 mg.

— Aegle marmelos 133.33 mg.

— Asphaltum 66.66 mg.



1-2 tablets 2 times a day after meals. You can increase the initial dose to quickly achieve results.

Glucomap is not recommended for use during pregnancy or severe organ damage. It is necessary to follow a diet and do exercises.




Glucomap is not recommended for use during pregnancy or severe organ damage. It is necessary to follow a diet and do exercises.


In any type of diabetes, the body is unable to properly utilize glucose, which is the body's source of energy. Glucomap helps make glucose processing more efficient. It stimulates the function of the pancreas, which synthesizes the hormone insulin, which helps process glucose, and also stops the breakdown of glucogen into glucose. In addition, it helps reduce cholesterol levels and improve lipid metabolism, activates the production of liver enzymes and is involved in eliminating its toxicity.


The drug also prevents complications caused by diabetes. For example, it protects cardiovascular tissue and nerve tissue from degenerative changes (organ damage).


In difficult cases, including if type 2 diabetes is difficult to treat, Glucomap is used as an adjunct to complex therapy.




Type 2 diabetes, decreased immunity, normalization of metabolism, for older people.